The Women’s 100 Miler Project

Empowering women in ultrarunning to take their place at the start line of 100 miler races..

  • Members gain access to our facebook group where they are able to discuss questions and obstacles in regard to the training plan.

  • Not only are we available in the Facebook group to answer your questions, the group has many members who have followed the training plan for over a year and have now successfully completed their first 100 miler and many of them are happy to answer your questions as well.

  • Members have access to our WHMP training plans, which have been carefully designed by ultrarunner, Lee Conner, through several years of research and trial and error.

  • Our training plans eliminate junk miles and instead put emphasis on strength training, reducing the amount of hours per week needed to train and the chance of injury.

  • Our plans use a time and effort based approach rather than a miles based approach, making them extremely flexible for a wide range of fitness levels. Whether you are a fifty time 50 miler finisher ready for the next step, or just starting out and have never run an ultra before, our plan can work for you.

  • One of our goals is to eliminate the “noise”, or misinformation and conflicting advice found in other run groups, by streamlining information from a single extremely experienced and well researched perspective.

  • Lee has run over fifty 100 miler races and podiumed more than half of them. Her ultrasignup resume speaks for itself.

    Lee is eager to share what she’s learned over the years in order to help others succeed.

  • We share an abundance of information via facebook posts and our youtube channel. Our youtube channel is open to everyone. You can check it out here.

  • The Women’s 100 Miler Project is what it is today because of our amazing members. As a member you will have access to our facebook and full community of support from others who are going through the same training that you are (or have already gone through it).

Support the Project

We appreciate donations in order to continue to grow and fund the project.

We are firm believers that running, and running 100 milers in particular, can be a life-changing empowering experience. Therefor we believe that getting more women to take their place at the start line of 100 miler races will not just help to close the gender gap at races, but in other aspects of life as well, and that these opportunities should be made available to all women, regardless of their current financial circumstances.

Attempting to counteract inequity is part of our foundation, and thus we offer a free option (*with the exception of a $1.00 identity confirmation fee) for those unable to afford our recommended subscription price, and ask those who find themselves presently in a more fortunate position to help make this an available service for all women.